martes, 19 de junio de 2012

En el mar, la vida es mas sabrosa!

Dicen que en el mar la vida es mas sabrosa...
Y la boda?
Os apetece una boda a orillas del mar?
Para los que viven en zona de mar, es una cosa de cada día (o casi cada día).
Pero para los que, es un verdadero sueño.
No es casualidad que tantos extranjeros elijan las Islas Baleares como su destino de boda. Los hoteles, las fincas y el mundo de las bodas en general está sumamente habilitado y capacitado para celebrar una boda, poder recibir a los invitados, hospedarlos y poder ofrecerles una experiencia inolvidable. Mallorca no solo ofrece el mar, sino que la montaña, los viñedos, los pueblitos... tenemos una gran variedad!

Aquí os dejo unas inspiraciones para bodas que tienen algo en común: una temática de playa.

Espero os guste!
Party Planner
There is a song that says: the life is even more delicious when you are in the sea... but what about your wedding?
Would you like a beach wedding?
For the people that come from a town or city close to the sea, this is a very common thing.
But for the ones that don't, it's a real dream.
A lot of foreign couples choose the Balearic Islands for their wedding destination.
The hotels, fincas and the wedding business in general is prepared and capable to plan and host all kinds of weddings. They can also supply accomodation for the guests, activities and much more, creating an unforgettable experience for the couple and their guests.
Majorca not only offers you the beach to celebrate your Wedding, it can be also held in a beatiful finca in the mountains, in a vineyard, in a small and magical little town... Majorca has it all!
Find inspiration for your beach wedding here!

Vanesa Sastre
Party Planner

Photos WellWed

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